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The astral deity incarnated as the filial daughter of Meizhou not only vows protection of anyone travelling by boat but also promises to oversee all aspects of life and death, from w


T h e a s t r a l d e i t y i n c a r n a t e d a s t h e f i l i a l d a u g h t e r o f M e i z h o u n o t o n l y v o w s p r o t e c t i o n o f a n y o n e t r a v e l l i n g b y b o a t b u t a l s o p r o m i s e s t o o v e r s e e a l l a s p e c t s o f l i f e a n d d e a t h , f r o m w . . .

Meizhou pinglun 每週評論 (Weekly Critic). July 27, 1919, 1–2. Beijing.Chang, Tuh Wei. “Letter to Emma Lester,” December 15, 1931. Container 214. L

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Amidi, "Oriental DreamWorks Relaunches as 100% Chinese-Owned Pearl Studio," Cartoon Brew, February 2, 2018, https://cartoonbrew/business/oriental-dreamwor

they rarely deviate form the standard official line, or they are made in those areas of interest where there is no clear-cut official line from whic


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See the Chinese news and photos at: http://shift.edu.cn/home/ siftasc/documents/translationworks.html. [Translators' names from Professor Wang's essay have be


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